Elizabeth Warren’s Clumsy Pandering to Black Voters

Lizzie Warren is moving up in the polls.  But that exhilarating news for her devotees comes with serious caveats.  For starters, her surge is primarily at the expense of Bernie Sanders.  Poll after poll, these two radical socialists never garner more than 25-30% combined; the split thereof has merely tipped, in all likelihood permanently, from the grumpy old man toward the wild-eyed marm.  Warren currently draws support almost exclusively from the far-left, affluent white elitist, wing of the Democratic Party.  Even with the disproportionate influence the caucuses give to this bloc, Warren has no path to the nomination unless she can expand her base.  

Vote for me and
I’ll set you free

Despite claiming to be the champion of ordinary working folks, her fiery calls for a tumultuous social and economic upheaval to topple the archons of the “one percent” falls on deaf ears among the working class Democrats this revolution of hers supposedly would liberate.  (This comes as no surprise to anyone outside of the ivory tower fantasy bubble that Warren and her ilk inhabit.)  Indeed, Warren’s extremist positions on immigration, tax increases, and a host of issues, are deal-breakers for this demographic.  

Another sizeable voting bloc is still up for grabs, however, and Warren has set her sights on it.  Comprising roughly 1/5 of Dems overall, and half in the early South Carolina primary, blacks are always potential king-makers.  Unfortunately for Warren, she’s polling miserably — as in c. 4% — among black Democrats, who so far have strongly backed Joe Biden as reward for his eight years (and running) playing the faithful, deferential sidekick to Obama.  

Still, you can’t blame Lizzie for not trying.  Back in May, at a forum for ‘women of color’, and later on Twitter, Warren alleged that the high rate of infant & new mother mortality among blacks was due to “just one thing — prejudice.”  Elaborating in an Essence magazine op-ed, Warren leveled the accusation that “too often, doctors and nurses don’t hear Black women’s health issues the same way they hear them from other women.”  She went on to propose harsh sanctions for racist health care providers who failed to dramatically  “[narrow] the mortality and morbidity gap between white women and women of color….”  Her baseless slander was met with a furious response from the ob/gyn & pediatric professional community.

In July, the Warren campaign rolled out an initiative to connect with black voters, described as “a mix of one-on-one outreach to black political leaders when no one’s watching, and a deliberate focus on racial justice woven throughout her policy proposals.  In addition to demagogic flourishes like quoting scripture and saying ”righteous” a lot, Warren has larded her platform with proposals that pander to blacks:  $50 billion for historically black colleges and universities, $100 billion to expand black home ownership, and, of course, an undefined sum for slave reparations.  In the same way CERN detects ever more subatomic particles, Warren’s feverish mind concocts new forms of racism, as listed by her during the last debate: “environmental racism, economic racism, criminal justice racism, health care racism.” We are awash in a sea of racism, but Lizzie has a plan for that.

And yet, Warren’s dismal numbers among black voters refuse to budge.  So, in what can only be described as ham-fisted desperation, the other day Warren tweeted this rehash of BLM mendacity:

“5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael. We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.”

Let me be perfectly clear:  Michael Brown was not “murdered”.   Michael Brown was a criminal who’d just robbed a convenience store, during which he’d violently assaulted the shop owner.  Brown was spotted carrying the stolen goods under his arm by officer Darren Wilson while on patrol.  After first ignoring officer Wilson’s call to halt, the 6’4”, 300 lb. Brown charged Wilson and attempted to wrest away Wilson’s service pistol, at which point Wilson fired in self-defense.  BLM placards notwithstanding, Brown never put up his hands, never cried ‘don’t shoot.’  The coroner’s report confirmed this and ruled it a justifiable homicide.  The Obama/Holder Justice Department, eager as it was to find racist intent, confirmed all this and declared it a justifiable homicide.  Michael Brown was a crook, a brutal menace, and a would-be cop killer.  He was no victim, and he got the justice he deserved.

After her insensitive DNA test, Elizabeth Warren stooping to this new low comes as no surprise.  But will offering martyrdom to a dangerous criminal really increase her esteem among black voters?  BLM agitprop mostly resonates with the self-loathing, leftist, white elite — Warren’s existing, narrow base.

But even more so, these ploys reveal just how out-of-touch Warren and her ‘woke’ campaign staff are.  Practicing the soft bigotry of low expectations, they envision blacks as essentially children, susceptible to overt pandering & pavlovian signaling on ‘black issues’.  Vote for me and I’ll set you free!  Rap on, sister, rap on. Not.  In truth, black Democrats want what the rest of us do: a strong economy, stability at home and peace abroad, and a nominee who can win the general election.   Nothing Elizabeth Warren has done or said so far indicates she can deliver on any of those.

(c) 2019 by True Liberal Nexus.  All rights reserved.

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